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Zumba Virtual Class #6 Starts Today!第六堂線上 Zumba 課今天開始囉!

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Can we break our record this week?

During this past week, I received such wonderful and sweet messages from family, students, and even strangers all over the world in response to my virtual Zumba Class #5! I especially loved hearing which songs were your favorites, and I’ve tried to include them again this week in Class #6 for you! Please keep the messages coming so that I can tweak the songs, the class days or times accordingly! After all, this class is for all of you!

And of course, another plus of doing the class is that Zumba will donate a meal on your behalf to the Global Foodbanking Network each time you join my class. This past week I was super happy to see that we met and even slightly passed last week’s number of 180 by a handful! Zumba is now a little over a third of the way towards their goal of donating a million meals, so keep dancing at home for the wonderful cause!

Speaking of good causes, this weekend’s Beam & Bounce House Party will also be a chance to dance for charity! Myself and the rest of the crew will be doing a 90 minute virtual dance fitness party on Saturday from 3-4:30 in support of the Taiwan Association Against Depression. With everything going on in the world at the moment, it’s another great opportunity to support others while we also take care of our own bodies, minds, and hearts by dancing.

To register for the class, you’ll need to first pay by bank transfer in Taiwan ( 帳戶:賴姮蓉 台新銀行(812) 帳號: 005-10-132-581-000 ) or by PayPal : . The cost will be 250nt or 8$ USD. After you have made your payment please email the screenshot of your payment to「 」stating you would like to join the party and the link to the livestream will be sent out two hours in advance of the class.

Thank you all so much for joining me in my live classes and my virtual classes this past week. Can’t wait to keep moving with you for Class #6 and for all our classes together!

Keep moving!




過去的一周,我收到好多來自世界各地的家人、學生甚至是陌生人,傳來關於第五堂線上 Zumba 課,美好且貼心的訊息!特別喜歡聽到大家告訴我你最喜歡的歌曲,因此讓我能再度把你喜歡的歌曲放入(本周)第六堂的線上課中!請繼續傳訊息給我,這樣一來我即可依照你的需求,調整課程的曲目以及開課的時間與日期!

當然,進行這堂課的另一個好處就是 ------ 你每上一次課, Zumba 就會以你的名義捐一餐至全球食物銀行網絡(The Global Foodbanking Network)。非常開心地得知過去一周我們一同超越上上周的 180 份餐了!現在 Zumba 已達目標(一百萬份餐)的三分之一,所以讓我們一同繼續在家跳舞,持續地幫助自己也幫助別人吧!

說到做善事,這周末 Beam & Bounce 的派對也是另外一個讓你跳舞做善事機會!我和團隊優秀的老師們在周六下午3:00 到 4:30 會進行一堂 90 分鐘的直播舞蹈派對,募集款項將會捐給台灣憂鬱症協會。面臨目前全球所經歷的一切,這是另一個很好的機會藉由跳舞,在照顧自己的身心靈的同時支持他人。


  • 轉帳 ➡ 帳戶:賴姮蓉 台新銀行(812) 帳號:005-10-132-581-000

  • PayPal ➡

費用是 台幣 250 元或 8 元美金。請於付款後,請將繳款截圖 eamil 至 ,並提及你想參加 5/30 3:00-4:30pm 的舞蹈健身派對,在派對兩小時前,直播的連結就會 email 至你的信箱。





( Anna Liang 譯 )


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