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Student Spotlight on Tiffany Wei 學生焦點: Tiffany Wei

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Back with another Student Spotlight!

It’s been awhile since I’ve included this feature in our weekly newsletter, so I’m extra excited to be able to shine a light back on you for our student spotlight! 

This week we’re hearing from Tiffany Wei of Texas, USA. While we were only briefly able to meet in person at a Zumba class while she was on holiday in Taipei , the reach of our newsletters, videos,  and posts has kept us connected over the years! 

Tiffany’s story is one I believe resonates with many of my students, including myself! Zumba has been the gateway into some of her newfound fitness abilities , love for dance, friends, and fun. Something as simple as trying one class turned into a permanent part of her lifestyle! 

Read below for Tiffany’s story in her own words: 

Hi, my name is Tiffany Wei. First of all, I'd like to thank you Katie for this wonderful opportunity for your students/us to share our stories. I feel like this is a great way for instructors and students to interact other than the Zumba classes.
I live in Texas about 1 hour north of Dallas, and I started Zumba about 6 years ago. Prior to Zumba, I barely moved. You know how people in Texas live life  LOL! I mean, I barely exercised due to my asthma. All exercise looked hard, boring, and tiring to me. Then on one occasion, my son's school PE teacher started her Zumba class that I was invited to attend.
The 60 minutes of dance/workout all of the sudden opened my eyes to a different perspective of "Workout/Exercise". It was SO MUCH FUN! I LOVE to dance. I LOVE music. This combination with some workout totally took me to another level of exercise. I then kept going to the classes to see if this workout style fit me.
I have to be honest that I struggled when I started because I hardly exercised before even though the class was fun. The first 15-20 minutes was literally killing me. After couple of months, I could feel the difference physically that I had more energy and I slept REALLY well after Zumba. As I continued to go, I made awesome friends that connected with each other in and outside the class. 
People say Zumba is fun. I can totally feel it with the endorphins being created. Those 60 minutes are not only the time I spare for myself to enjoy the music, the dance, the fun with my Zumba peeps and instructors, but it also allows me to  shake the darn stress off and be free and silly LOL! 
This  has become my weekly routine that I will make every attempt to go to Zumba classes, even to the extent my day will be affected if I don't do Zumba LOL!  In addition, when I visited Taiwan two years ago, I met Katie at her class and continued to do Zumba on vacay. 
Katie’s  passion for Zumba and dance is contagious. I love it! I also enjoy the weekly story that she shares to inspire and motivate me to keep moving. Love you :)

Big thanks to Tiffany for sharing her experience with all of us! What has kept you coming to class or following along with us in the newsletters every week?  I’m still looking to feature more students in future students spotlights , so if you have a chance, please share your story here.

Keep moving! xx, Katie

Tiffany and Katie post-Zumba glow!

學生焦點: Tiffany Wei

這個單元已經有一陣子沒有在電子報中出現了, 所以我今天特別興奮能夠把鎂光燈再次打在你們的身上。

這週我們一起來認識來自美國德州的 Tiffany Wei。 雖然我們每次會面的時間點都是她放假回台灣來上課的時候 ,但是透過電子報、影片與貼文的分享讓我們在這幾年間持續保持聯絡。

我相信 Tiffany 的故事能引起大部分的學生共鳴,這也包括我自己!Zumba 讓他能增強自己的體能、找回對舞蹈的愛、交朋友與享受樂趣。一開始只是想試一堂課,最後變成她生活的一個不可或缺的成份。

下面是 Tiffany 親手寫的故事:

我的名字是Tiffany Wei.。首先我想要先謝謝妳(Katie )讓我們(妳的學生們)有這個很好的機會來分享我們的故事,我覺得這是一個很棒的方法讓學生和老師在課堂外能持續互動。
我住在美國德州達拉斯往北一個小時的車程, 6年前開始跳 Zumba。在 Zumba 之前,我幾乎不運動,妳也知道在德州的生活。我另一個很少運動的原因,是因為我有氣喘。對我來說,幾乎所有的運動看起來要不是很困難、很無聊、就是很累人。因為兒子學校的體育老師開始教 Zumba,邀請我一起參加他開的課。
人人都說 Zumba 很好玩,我可以完全感受我的大腦正在分泌安多酚。這60分鐘的課程,不但能讓我享受音樂與舞蹈,和我的Zumba夥伴們老師們打鬧,同時它也能幫我甩掉生活中極大的壓力,能讓我自由的玩耍做自己。
這成為了我每週的習慣,如果一週不跳就會覺得怪怪的。兩年我回到台灣在妳的 Zumba 課上遇到妳,我超愛妳對舞蹈與 Zumba 的熱情,是那麼地具有感染力,我也很享受妳每週分享的故事,常常激勵我讓我繼續前進。愛妳喔 !

非常感謝Tiffany與我們分享她的經驗。是什麼原因讓你持續來上課或是持續閱讀我們的電子報呢?我還在尋找更多的學生來成為未來我們的焦點人物,所以如果你有空,請與我們分享你的故事 .


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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