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Student Spotlight: Joanne Kuo 學生焦點:Joanne Kuo

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Updated: Feb 22, 2019

Joanne strikes a pose!

In the words of Joanne Kuo

I’ve really enjoyed sharing more and more about my Fit + Flaunt Burlesque Fitness Class over the course of the past few weeks. I’ve explained in greater detail what the class entails and why it is that it means so much to me. But truly, like any good learning environment, the focus should be on the students, rather than the teacher. And so, I want to put a “spotlight” on my students and have them share their own stories , their dance and fitness journeys, as well as class experiences with you. My classes are all about connecting: with others, with the music, and with yourselves. I hope these student spotlights can help to inspire more connections!

This week, my student Joanne Kuo, will share her story with you. Joanne is a new Zumba and Fit + Flaunt student at WAO--but one of the most enthusiastic! It’s been so touching to see how she has rediscovered her childhood love for dance over the past few months and how much this means to her considering the challenges of being a woman, a wife, a mother and in the work force. Thanks, Joanne, for your support, and for your willingness to share with all of us!

When I shot my wedding photos, I heard the photographer tell his assistant, “The brides’ posture is beautiful, so it is easy for her to do these poses.” It reminded me of the time when I had learned ballet for 9 years as a kid.
However, I gave pretty much everything I had—all my energy and time--to build my career and find Mr. Right (haha) as an adult. My life has been like a candle burning at both ends after getting married and having two kids. I totally forgot about my past with dance until I came to WAO for Zumba class—a choice I made as I was facing a bottleneck to lose weight by diet and weight training since giving birth to my son. I wanted to change my way of exercising. At WAO, I had the chance to try Fit and Flaunt by Katie. This class reignited my passion for dance and helped me to see myself, not only as a good employee/ supervisor/ wife/ mom/ daughter, and to love myself more.
This class:
Balances muscle strength training and cardio: Katie designs the class that covers both benefits, so we can improve our metabolism more efficiently.
Moves and music become one: Different from Zumba which focuses on a mid to high intensity cardio level, Katie designs so many different moves that express the music’s mood and lyrics more. You can feel that dance is able to deliver various messages and energies.
Encourages beautiful posture: Katie uses different styles of music with different speeds, and she teaches you step by step when there is a new song. Therefore, you not only learn the moves, but how to execute the moves correctly and more beautifully. With this practice, you will naturally improve your daily posture and move more gracefully.
So, come and join us!

Do you want to share your own story with us? I’d love to hear from you and feature you in a future newsletter if so! Please remember this Saturday there will be a substitute teacher, Ray, at Flying Dance because I will be teaching Fit +Flaunt for a charity event to fight breast cancer at the W hotel. If you want to support this very important cause, please come out and register for tickets. Additionally, if you are ready to give Fit + Flaunt Burlesque Fitness a try, October is a wonderful time to start! The class will be sold in packages of 2400nt for 8 classes at WAO. It’s a great deal for those who wish to come join us!

Keep moving! xx, Katie

讓我們來認識 Joanne Kuo

在過去這幾周我非常興奮地和大家分享我自創的舞麗自信健身課(Fit + Flaunt Burlesque Fitness Class ),我解釋了在這堂課中你能同時雕塑身材、感受自信、舞出自我,也分享為什麼 無麗自信 對我來說如此重要?但是就如同所有優良的學習環境,焦點應該是放在學生身上,在我所有的課程中「連結」是我最重視的一部分:不論是彼此之間的連結、與音樂的連結,甚至是與自己的連結。所以接下來我想讓我的學生們分享他們的故事、他們舞蹈健身的旅程,以及上課的經驗,希望透過不同學生的分享可以激發出更多不同的深度連結。

這周我邀請我的學生 Joanne Kuo 來和大家分享她的故事,Joanne 雖然是位新同學,但是她的熱衷度絕對是數一數二的!看到過去幾個月的時間,身兼數職的她------ 一位女性、一位太太、一位媽媽、一位職業婦女 ------ 重新找小時候對舞蹈的熱忱真的讓我非常的感動。謝謝 Joanne 的支持,也十分感謝她願意和我們分享她的故事。

兼顧肌力訓練: 老師在課程設計上兼顧有氧跟肌力訓練,讓基礎代謝能更有效提升。
與音樂更合而為一: 跟ZUMBA著重在中高度有氧不同,而是更多肢體動作與音樂有深度的結合。KATIE老師的動作很多變,而且會呼應音樂的意境或歌詞。讓你更能體會舞蹈能傳遞出不同的訊息跟能量。
讓體態更優美: KATIE老師搭配很多不同風格,不同速度的音樂,有新歌的時候會一步一步慢慢教慢慢練習,因此你能認真的學習每個舞步,讓自己不只是學會,還能做到位,做出感覺。而這些姿勢練習久了就會影響日常的體態,連走路都會變優美。

你想和我分享你的故事嗎?我很希望可以藉由你的故事更認識你,也讓你成為Katie電子報的當週焦點人物! 提醒大家這周六 Flying Dance 的課程會由代課老師Ray上課唷!因為我會在W Hotel的乳癌慈善活動上帶給大家「舞麗自信」,如果對這個活動有興趣可以私訊我唷!此外,如果你想嘗嘗 舞麗自信的滋味,十月是一個很好的開始,因為我們們推出了套票優惠(8堂課只要2400元),快把握這個優惠又難得的機會,一起加入我們,綻放你心中的舞麗巨星!


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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