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Writer's picturekatiemovestaipei

Starting Again 再次,開始。

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! It’s been a few weeks since our last newsletter and I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things. During my holiday break I came down with a cold that kept me sidelined from too much excitement, but provided me with tons of rest, relaxation, and a whole lot of doing nothing with people I care the most about. I’m trying to be patient with my lack of New Year (and New Decade !) motivation as classes have started back up and my energy is gradually building up again.

It always amazes me how coming back from even a short break can feel like starting all over again. My body moves slower, my mind forgets dance choreography, and muscle soreness reminds me that walks from the couch to the fridge alone do not make for a sufficient fitness regime. The groans and panting I’ve heard from students in classes since the break tell me I’m not the only one feeling a shock to their systems either!

We and our bodies are so adaptable. Habits can be built and broken with time and repetition—a curse or a blessing depending on whether we perceive that we’re moving forward or backward. It’s a reminder that when people say fitness or even life is a journey, it’s because it’s comprised of endless new beginnings, temporary pauses, and everything in between, over and over again. We can never take for granted that health, happiness or any goal will be a fixed unchangeable state once we reach it.

Whether you choose to begin your New Year with a resolution, have felt a burst of energy with the new decade, or are struggling to get inspired, I hope you use our class or our videos as a part of your 2020 journey. Seeing your smiling and sweaty faces this past week tells me whatever the year ahead brings, the joy of dancing with you is just the fresh new start I needed.

Keep moving! xx, Katie


新年快樂!距離上封電子報已經有幾周的時間,我也正在慢慢地重新步上軌道。我這次整個休假剛好都在感冒,讓我能不過度興奮,也藉這個機會讓我能有十分充足的休息、放鬆、以及和我最在乎的朋友們一起「不做任何事」。在課程越來越滿的同時,我試著耐心地面對缺乏新年(甚至是新的十年,2000 年已經從 1 字頭進入 2 字頭了!)一開始的那一股衝勁。慢慢地,我的精力也再次增加。



不論你選擇用新希望開啟你的新年、面對新的十年有一股強大的衝勁、或者是缺乏動力,希望我們的課或是我們的影片能成為你 2020 旅程的一部分。過去這周看到你們的笑容與充滿汗水的臉龐告訴我,這一年不論會面對什麼,和你們一起跳舞的喜悅正是我今年所需的完美開始。


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )

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