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Online Classes are Here! 線 上 課 程 來 囉 !!

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Can’t wait to dance with you at home!

For weeks it seems I’ve been endlessly working on a new project, and now I’m so happy to finally share that I have an online class option for you! I’d spent quite a bit of time experimenting with live streaming and ZOOM , but internet connections, time zones and my already super full schedule have made it difficult to be able to set up a reliable and consistent livestream option.

I was therefore very excited when Zumba just released its own platform ZIN Studio which currently allows Zumba instructors to post a prerecorded class video, available for a 5 hour period of time.

Truthfully, my class schedule has INCREASED, at least temporarily, as more private clients are unable to travel and people are focusing on their health. However, I can’t help but notice the students who are not able to join group classes currently, and I can’t ignore there are people all over the world who are struggling physically, emotionally, and financially during this time . This has been my motivation in bringing you an online class available at many times and on a donation basis, so that truly everyone who needs to dance and wants to dance with me is able to do so.

I will do my best to edit in and add new songs to the class video each week so that just as in a live class you can practice the same routines while also getting some variety in!

Please check out the links I’ve included below for more information on logging into my class . Try the class out, do it as many times as you want, and if you enjoyed the experience, consider making a donation if you are in the position to do so, or share it with someone you know who might need some movement in their life!

❤️During these times, I’m aware of the added stress and uncertainty many people are facing. I believe in the benefits dance fitness has not only on our health, but also on our mental and emotional wellbeing.

No matter where you are in the world, I want to stay connected with you and keep dancing together!

💃🏻 Online classes are now available on Mondays 9:00am & 5:00pm , Wednesdays 9:00am & 5:00pm, and Saturdays 9:00am & 5:00pm ( listed as Taiwan Time; Check the World Clock for your time zone!) at

⏰From the class start time ( 9:00 am , 5:00pm ) the link to the prerecorded 1 hour class will be available for a period of 5 hours before it expires. ( For example, you can dance to the 9:00am class anytime between 9:00am- 2:00pm , and the 5:00pm class anytime between 5:00- 10:00pm ).

💰For the time being, participating in these classes will be on a donation basis. Suggested donations per class are $5US/150nt for students $3US/90nt for ZIN members , and can be made at :

👩‍💻 For a tutorial on using the ZIN Studio platform to access my classes:

💪We’ll keep moving forward together, stronger than ever!




馬不停蹄地著手這個新計劃已經好幾周的時間了。今天,終於能夠大喊:「線上課程開課了!」能為你們多提供一種選擇,真的讓我十分雀躍!花了許多時間嘗試直播與 Zoom ,但是網路的品質、時差、以及我原本就滿檔的行程等原因,使得要建立一個可靠、常態的直播課程非常的困難。

當 Zumba 開始這個他們自己的平台 - ZIN Studio,目前這個平台可以讓 Zumba 老師播放錄製課程,每堂課有 5 個小時的觀看時間。





💃🏻線上課程( )會在以下的時段開課 : 週一,三,六 9:00 & 17:00(台灣時間)。

⏰這堂一小時的預錄的課,有 5 個小時的區間(9am-2pm & 5pm-10pm)可以觀看。

💰目前的收費方式為捐款制。每堂課建議捐款:學生 5 元美金 / 150 元台幣;Zin 會員每堂課 3 元美金 / 90 元台幣 。




( Anna Liang 譯 )


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