Start Moving with Katie Moves Taipei
Thanks for being a part of the Katie Moves Taipei family! Looking forward to connecting with you in this, our first newsletter, and all those to still come!
New Year, New Moves, New You!
I’ve always been a big fan of Chinese New Year, for obvious reasons like the chance to take a breather from work and all the chances to spend eating , relaxing, or traveling. But even more so, I love the timing of CNY. It’s like a second opportunity to start the new year fresh! In the West, New Year's is synonymous with New Year's resolutions and all the pressure we put on ourselves to find an area of our lives we want to improve on, hit the ground running on January 1st , and make that change. The problem for me is that New Year's is smack in the middle of winter-- a time I’m not exactly fully motivated. I'd rather curl up on the couch to keep warm than challenge myself! And so, after a few weeks of trying to stick with our resolutions, many of us often give up. Whether you are in a country that traditionally celebrates CNY or not, you can use this time of year as a reset button for any of those resolutions that may have fallen by the wayside! Let's keep each other moving together throughout this year!
Finally, don't forget the instagram hashtag challenge that's kicking off the Katie Moves Taipei launch! Post a photo, a boomerang, or a video of your favorite move along with the hashtag #katiemovestaipei. The post with the most likes will be reposted on my IG account, and the user will receive a free Katie Moves Taipei T-shirt. (If you are out of Taipei, no worries, I'll mail it to you!)
Keep moving!
開始和Katie Moves Taipei一起舞動
中國新年一直是我最喜歡的節日。因為除了可以放假以外,還可以跟朋友吃吃喝喝去度假。更重要的是新年代表一個新的開始。跨年的時候,很多人都會設下一個或是多個新目標。可是幾個禮拜以後,如果沒有堅持,常常就放棄了。 過年就像是給你第二個開始的機會。讓我們一起加油吧!
別忘了,這個星期在 IG 上的 #katiemovestaipei 挑戰。獎品是 Katie Moves Taipei 白色T-shirt一件。請大家趕快行動!. 「題標(#)挑戰。你最喜歡的舞步或動作是什麼? 用這個題標 #katiemovestaipei 發文並獲得最多讚的貼文,就是本週的得獎者,我會轉發在我的社群網站上並送出一件 Tshirt。」
愛你的 Katie