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Moving with MY Fam 與家人一同舞動

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Dancing with my mom in Taipei!

Last week I shared the new Family Moves with Katie class with all of you, and this week I actually got to move with my family! Although I cancelled a few of my classes in order to spend time with my parents who have been visiting Taipei, I was super excited to have my mom join my Zumba class at HRC on Tuesday. I may have even spotted my dad tapping his foot along to the beat outside of the classroom!

Just a few years ago my mom came to visit me in Taipei and came to her very first Zumba class. At the time, I was a little self-conscious about showing my parents this new hobby that was growing into my career. That night, I remember pulling my mom up on stage in front of one of my largest classes. From the look on her face, I thought I might be in big trouble after the class for forcing her out of her comfort zone and into the spotlight! Now, back in the states she attends 3 Zumba classes a week and loves the music, community, and health benefits associated with dance fitness. It means so much to me that we can share a new interest later in our lives that connects us even though we live so many miles apart.

I always find it really moving when students bring family members with them to class. There have been so many parents and their kids-- whether grown or still small-- siblings, partners, and cousins that I’ve seen coming to class together. Finding new activities to do with the people you are closest with opens you up to new conversations, and the ability to discover more about someone you might think you know like the back of your hand.

While the Katie Moves Taipei One Year Anniversary promotion is still going on, why not invite a family member to come to class with you or even put on a video from the Katie Moves Taipei Youtube channel to see if you can get them up off the couch with you!?

As a reminder, we will be having the Latin Heat Zumba Beats party at M Club Taipei this Saturday, March 23. Doors open at 5:30 and we will be dancing from 6pm- 7:30, followed by time to socialize and even get down on the dance floor. Please contact me to get your ticket!

Keep moving! xx, Katie


上週才和大家分享我的新課:Katie 的親子派對。 而這一週我真的有機會和我的家人一起跳舞! 因為我父母從美國來探望我,所以我取消了一些課、騰出了一些時間來陪伴他們。當聽到媽媽願意一起參加週二在 HRC 的 Zumba 課的時候,我超級興奮的。課堂中,我甚至餘光瞄到教室外面的老爸也不自覺地用腳數著拍子!

幾年前媽媽來台北找我的時候,參加了她第一堂的 Zumba 課。那時候要和父母分享這個從興趣正慢慢蛻變成的事業,我其實有一點沒自信。 那個晚上,我記得拉著我媽站在我最大班的教室前面,看著她臉上的表情,猜想下課之後可能會被唸為什麼要強迫她脫離舒適圈走進聚光燈之下。然而,現在她在美國每週都參加三堂的Zumba 課,非常享受這音樂、這個社群以及這樣的舞蹈健身為身體所帶來的種種益處。能在成年後仍與媽媽共享一個新的興趣對我來說意義重大,讓我們之間有更深層的連結,即使我們住在地球的兩端。


隨著 Katie Moves Taipei 一周年的免費通行證活動持續進行中,何不趁著這個機會邀請家人一起來上課?或者是在家中邊放著 Katie Moves Taipei 的 YouTube 頻道,然後看看你能把誰拉起沙發和你一起動一動!

提醒大家,我們這週六 ( 3 月 23 號 ) 在台北有一場 Zumba 派對,下午5 點半開始進場,我們會從6點跳舞跳到要到7點半,接下來還有一起喝酒聊天互相認識的時間,跳不夠還可以繼續跳。想一起來 Party嗎?購票歡迎洽詢。


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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