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May Moves 五月動起來

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

So much to look forward to this month!

May has really got us moving! There are so many special events and some changes to my schedule, so please make sure you keep up to date!

First, this Saturday we will be celebrating Mother’s Day at our 11am Flying Dance class. Please wear something red or pink and come dance to our favorite Mother’s Day jams! Better yet, bring your mom or a mother you know to help show them your love and appreciation for all the hard work they do!

I’m also super excited about one of my absolute favorite Zumba Jammers , Jhon Gonzalas coming to Taiwan May 18thand 19th. He’ll be hosting Zumba workshops and parties in Kaohsiung and Taipei for the lucky people who managed to snag tickets. Besides being an incredible dancer, he’s a really inspirational instructor, and his choreography really taps into the effortless joy people feel while dancing Zumba. If you weren’t able to get a ticket, don’t worry-- I’ll definitely bring some of his moves to our future classes!

The following weekend, May 25th, we also have the huge Watson’s Zumba party to look forward to. Each time the event is held over a thousand people gather outside of Chiang Kai SHek Memorial Hall for an massive fitness party in an unforgettable setting. There are so many talented instructors from Taiwan and abroad to lead the huge crowd. If you are free and didn’t managed to get a ticket before they sold out, you can stand on the stairs of the National Theater and watch from the huge screens and dance along!

Additionally, please note that starting on May 23 my True Fitness Guting class will be on haitus while renovations are being completed. I will instead got to True Fitness Asia World for classes on Thursdays at 16:30-17:30. I will miss all the Guting students over the next two months of renovations, but look forward to seeing you once we are able to resume our regular class schedule! In the meantime, try to join another class or use my YouTube channel to still get your weekly dance fix!

Finally, because of the full schedule of events, it’s been necessary to take a break from the Family Moves with Katie classes for the month. Don’t worry, though! Another 4 week session will be back in June on Saturdays 4:20- 5:10. If you have young children who you’d like to dance along with, drop me a line and I’ll pass on more details about the registration.

There’s so much to look forward to this month and I can’t wait to keep moving along with you! Happy Mother’s Day especially to my mom and all of my wonderful students who are mothers!

Keep moving! xx, Katie


五月真的要讓我們動起來! 這個月有很多特別的活動,同時我的行程有做一些調整,所以請務必確認上課的時間以及地點唷~

首先,我們會在 這週六 11:00 菲舞的課程中,一起慶祝母親節,請大家穿代表母親節的 紅色 或 粉紅色 唷!然後來跟我們一起跳一些大家最喜歡的母親節歌曲。如果可以,歡迎邀請你的媽媽 或是一位母親一起來玩,以此表現你的愛與感謝她們所做的一切努力。

其中一位我最喜歡的Zumba Jammer ------ Jhon Gonzalas ------ 即將來台,有搶到票、幸運的朋友們可以上到他到在5月18日與19日分別在高雄與台北的大師課。他除了是一位非常不可思議的舞者之外,他同時也是一個非常有啟發性的指導員,他的編舞總是很輕鬆地讓大家享受到跳 Zumba 的喜悅。如果你沒搶到票也不用擔心,我絕對會在接下來的課程中,和大家分享在他身上學到的精神以及舞步。

在 5月25號星期六是 大型的屈臣氏Zumba 派對,這個活動每一年都聚集了上千人在中正紀念堂,一起共襄盛舉這個大型的健身派對。這次,有眾多台灣與外國的優秀指導員來帶領這個千人派對。如果你有空但是卻沒有買到票,你可以站在國家劇院的階梯上,看著大螢幕跟大家一起跳唷~

此外,請注意從 5月 23號開始 ,週四在古亭 True Fitness 的課會暫停直到裝修完成。這段期間,我會到True Fitness 環亞館 接星期四16:30-17:30 的課,我也會非常想念古亭的學生們,也很期待在裝修完成後再次看到你們。在這段期間,你們可以試著參加其他的課程、或是用我的YouTube頻道來持續你每週的舞蹈旅程。

最後,因為這個月滿滿的活動,所以 Katie的親子派對 五月暫停一個月。不過別擔心,在六月接下來的 4週 每週六 16:20-17:10,如果你想要和你的小小孩一起跳舞,可以加 LINE 詢問,我們會和你分享更多相關資訊與如何報名。



愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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