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Katie 的親子派對 Family Moves by Katie

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Updated: Mar 20, 2019

A dance party for parents and kids!

When I first moved to Taipei nearly 13 years ago, my very loose plan was to teach English to children for a year. One of the many reasons that kept me here for so long was that I discovered I truly loved spending my time surrounded by children as my job. Sure, it can be exhausting being in a classroom of twenty or more kids, but I found so much joy in helping the little ones learn new skills and watch them developing their personalities.

As I’ve focused so much on dance fitness instructing to adults in the past few years, I've really grown to miss spending so much time in the company of children . I had the occasional opportunity to teach Zumba Kids classes here and there, which were a great way to mix my loves for teaching children and for dance.

In the past month I took this one step further, and in response to a request to include parents in a dance class, I created Family Moves by Katie . In each 50 minute class, parents or caregivers and children join together for a dance party. We follow along to dances, play interactive movement games, and learn one new dance routine each week. Both kids and adults are full of smiles and glowing with sweat by the end of each class is It is incredibly touching to help create this space for children and their parents to spend quality time together playing, dancing and exercising. Because of the wonderful response to the Family Moves with Katie classes so far, I hope to include more classes in the future. Stay tuned!

Also, If you haven’t already visited my new website, make sure you check it out and register for your free class pass! The free class passes can be used Tuesdays and Thursdays at HRC and Saturdays at Flying Dance during the month of March. Just sign up for the date and time you wish to join once you receive your pass in your email.

Please note that I will be canceling my Monday Fit +Flaunt Burlesque class and Tuesday Zumba classes at WAO as my parents will be in town next week. I will still, however, have Tuesday afternoon class at HRC at 12:30 and be bringing my mom along to class! If you are free next week on Tuesday, please come dance with us!

Keep moving! xx, Katie


將近13年前剛搬到台灣時, 我非常簡略的初步規劃就是教一年的兒童英語,這是我其中一個讓我會在台灣待這麼久原因,因為我發現我真的很喜歡和小朋友相處。當然,和20多個小孩一起待在一間教室裡可以是一份很累人的工作, 但是我總是很享受能幫助小朋友學習新的技巧、看著他們發展自己不同的個性。

過去的幾年,我非常專注在成人的舞蹈健身教學,讓我開始有點想念之前和小朋友們相處的時光。我不定期還是有機會教一些 Zumba Kids 的課,這是一個很兩全其美的好辦法,可以結合我對於教小孩與舞蹈的愛。

上一個月我甚至再往前跨出了一步,因為有些家長要求想要一起參加課程,所以我創造了 Katie 的親子派隊 ( Family Moves by Katie):在 50 分鐘的課程中,父母(或者是家長) 和小孩可以一起加入這個舞蹈派對。 大家會跟著我一起跳舞、玩一些肢體動作的遊戲、每周也會學一首新的舞步。 每當課程結束時,不論是家長或小朋友,臉上都掛著滿滿的笑容與散發出汗水的光芒。 我覺得無比感動可以幫忙創一個這樣的空間,讓小孩與家長透過遊戲、舞蹈與運動來共度珍貴的親子時光。由於大家對於 Katie 的親子派對的反應非常好,希望未來可以開更多班,所以請密切關注。

另外如果你還沒有來參觀我的新網站,請記得一定要來逛逛,並且申請你的免費通行證,即可得到一堂免費的課程喔! 在三月底以前,你可以選擇用在週二或週四在 HRC 的課,或是週六菲舞的課。只要在收到你的通行證後(會寄到你的Email信箱),登記你想要來的上課時間即可!現在有幾堂課已經額滿了,所以想參加的朋友要趕快報名唷!

請注意:接下來的一周我爸媽會來台灣,所以我會取消 下週一和週二在 WAO 的課,然而 下週二在 HRC 的課還是照常,而且我會帶媽媽一起來上課,如果你下週二有空,請來跟我們一起跳舞!


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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