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Katie Moves Taipei Turns 2! 兩周年快樂!

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Celebrating Two Years with You!

Katie Moves Taipei is TWO today! Honestly with all the worries and concerns about the coronavirus in the past month or so, I nearly forgot about the second anniversary of this newsletter and adventure! It hasn’t felt like the right time to celebrate when events are canceled and some students prefer to take time off until the situation seems more stable. But then Facebook and Instagram both sent me notifications of my “memories” and I'm reminded again of how important it is to acknowledge hard work you’ve put in, observe even small milestones, and be grateful for where you are right now.

Looking back at this second year we spent together there are many things to celebrate within our community here. We upgraded to a new dance studio TDC for some of our classes, welcomed new people into our community, and had some great fitness parties together! One of my favorite parts was hearing from more students during our “Student Spotlights.” After all, the purpose of starting this movement in the first place was for greater connection with all of you. YOU are the reason any of it exists. Having you read each week, attend classes and dance along at home keeps me moving and all of this going!

So once again, I’d love to hear from you. In this past year, how has dance fitness, this newsletter or being a part of the community moved you? You can submit your own story to share with all of us here.

Finally, take a look at this week’s video! I’m so happy to share a collaboration I recently filmed with PUMA to celebrate their new LQDCELL Shatter Training Shoes and Metal Splash collection. While some of you may be far away or unable to join us in class, working out at home is a great way to keep yourself healthy and optimistic. Let’s celebrate our abilities to move, connect with one another, and keep moving forward to more greatness in the future!

Thank you for all of your continued support and Happy Two Years!

Keep moving! xx, Katie

Peggy and Katie post-Zumba glow!


Katie Moves Taipei 兩歲了!老實說,因為這次「新型冠狀病毒」的疫情,我差點忘了我們兩周年的紀念日,兩年的時間我們持續地發送每周的電子報,在這趟旅程上一步步地邁進!在現在的情況下(許多活動因為疫情取消和有些學生們希望可以待在家等到請況穩定下再來上課),感覺這不是一個慶祝的時機。但是臉書和 IG 都傳給我「我的回憶」的通知,同時我也被提醒,即使是小小的里程碑,要認可自己努力的付出,也要感恩現在達到的一切。

回顧我們一起共度的第二年,在我們的社群中有很多值得慶祝的事:我們升級到新教室 - TDC、歡迎了更多新同學來到我們的大家族、也一同辦了許多健身派對!其中一個我最喜歡的部分,就是聽到更多學生們在【學生焦點】中,與我們分享他們自己的舞蹈故事。畢竟開始這個運動的目的,就是希望能和你們建立更多更深的連結。「你」是這一切存在的原因,有你們每周閱讀電子報、參加課程、一起在家跳舞,是我持續往前的動力!


最後,來看看這周的影片!我很開心能和你們分享這次與PUMA 的合作,穿上 PUMA 全新 LQDCELL SHATTER 系列和 PUMA Metal Splash 專業訓練裝備。我知道你們當中有些人身在遠方、或是無法來上課,跟我一起在家運動,也是一個有效幫助保持健康與維持正面的方法!讓我們一起與他人建立連結、慶祝持續運動的能力、繼續前進邁向更棒的未來吧!



愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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