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Katie Moves Taipei Turns 1! Katie Moves Taipei 一歲了!

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Working on that very first newsletter a year ago!

Thank you for moving with me this past year!

Today marks the First Anniversary of Katie Moves Taipei! About a year and a half ago a friend encouraged me to take my love for teaching dance fitness to the next level. At that time, all I knew was that I wanted to have a way to keep in better touch with my students and maybe get myself a snazzy logo. What I hadn’t expected was how the process would require me to ask myself a lot of questions about who I am, why I do what I do, and what message I want to share with others.

What I discovered was that the thing that moves my body, mind, and heart is deeper than creating the dance moves to a song— it is all about creating connection within myself and to all of you. And so, for every week for the past year I’ve looked at my inner and outer world in a new way, noticing the opportunities for appreciation and growth and lifting each other up. This passion project became 52 newsletters that I very much needed to read myself and which I hoped by sharing might help spark something inside of someone who took the time to read it. I collaborated with talented people, namely Doriane Greens who shoots and edits my YouTube channel videos, Anna Liang who does everything from organizing class registration to translating and everything in between, and Hooper Design who designed my great logo, these newsletters, and the website that launches today !

With the input and feedback of the people who support me, I learned, grew, and improved in ways that helped to build a better class experience and reached people who live far from Taipei. Thank you so much for the love, support, and encouragement during Katie Moves Taipei’s first year! As a big “XIE XIE NI!” to you, I’m happy to announce that I will be giving a free pass to select classes for the month of March to all who visit my new website. I invite you to visit the website, check out my classes, videos, blog (with all the past newsletters) sign up for your free class, and share it with others! I’m so excited for all the growing still to come and to find more ways that we can continue to create connection in the future! Keep moving! xx, Katie


今天是Katie Moves Taipei 的 一周年紀念日!

大約一年半前,一位朋友鼓勵我帶著我教舞蹈健身的熱忱到下一個階段。那時,我只知道我想要和我的學生們保持更好的互動,以及幫自己弄一個酷炫的 logo。 但我沒想到這個過程中其實讓我有機會問自己許多重要的問題,像是:我是誰?為什麼我要做這些事?我想要傳達怎樣的訊息?


所以,過去一年的每一週,我試著用不同的眼光來看我的內心以及外在的世界,注意到不同感恩、成長以及互相鼓勵的機會。 這個熱情與衝勁, 變成了 52 封我常常需要閱讀來提醒自己的電子報,也希望可以對所有花時間閱讀這些電子報的人有所啟發。

我和許多有才能的人一同合作: Doriane Greens幫助我拍攝和編輯Youtube 頻道的影片; Anna Liang幫我做所有的事情,從上課登記、統整課程到翻譯以及其中所需要的事;Hooper Design 幫我設計 logo、電子報,還有今天上線的網站 !帶著所有支持我的人給我的幫助以及回饋,讓我不斷學習、成長 ,以建立更棒的課程體驗與觸及到更多住在台北以外的人。

非常感謝你們在 Katie Moves Taipei 的第一年所給我的支持、愛以及鼓勵。為了要大大的感謝你們的支持,我很開心地宣布:我會送出 Zumba 課的「免費通行證」,即日起至三月底,只要你來到我全新的網站逛逛,看看我的課程介紹、影片 或是部落格(也就是過去一年的電子報),你就可以得到一張 Zumba 的免費通行證! 也歡迎分享給周圍的朋友唷!

我很期待看到未來的成長,也希望能找到更多的方法讓我們繼續創造 屬於我們的連結!


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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