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Happy International Women’s Day! 國際婦女節快樂!

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Throwing up some "W's" for Women Power!

Celebrating the incredible women in our lives!

I love women!!! Truthfully, I have spent most of my life surrounded by women. Growing up with only sisters, having attended an all girl high school, having spent my college and adult years entirely living with only women, I can say my “girl power” environment very much shaped the woman I have become. Even now, I have a tight group of female friends all scattered around the globe and come in to contact with hundreds of women in my largely, but not entirely, female dominated student base. To me, there is no where I feel more at home than in the sisterhood, friendships, and connections that I have with the incredible women in my life.

This Friday is International Women’s Day and so, I want to give a special shoutout to all of the amazing women out there!

International Women’s Day is about celebrating the many achievements of women. It’s a time to shine light on the contributions women have made socially, culturally, economically and politically. It’s a time for women to connect by sharing their own stories about what being a woman means to them and look towards more ways of working together with all people to bring about equality, safety, and advancements for womankind.

In my own small way, I hope that through our classes and connections together, an environment of building women up can be created. I hope it can be a space where women can step away from some of the stress or pressure of roles as mothers, daughters, partners and more. I especially wish that there, women can feel more valuable than any unrealistic ideal of what a woman’s body should look like. I hope that whether you are a woman or not, it can be a space to celebrate and see yourself for all of your wonderful sides.

Thank you to all the phenomenal women who constantly inspire me, support me and share their talents with me.

Happy International Women’s Day to all of you!

Keep moving! xx, Katie



這一生中大部分的時光我都是和女性們一起度過:從小和一對姊妹一同長大、讀的是女校、從大學到出社會到現在,我的室友都是女性,可以說女力 (Girl Power) 環境塑造今日的我。現在,我仍然有許多要好的女性朋友散佈在全球各地。同時,我教的數百名學生中「大部分」是女性。對我而言,與生命中這些不可思議的女人們間的姐妹情、友情與連結,總讓我有家的歸屬感。




感謝所有非凡的女性們,持續激勵我、鼓勵我、以及與我分享她們的天份 。



愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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