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Fighting FOMO 錯失良機恐慌症

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

Superhero mode!

Appreciating What You've Got

Last weekend, almost 8,000 Zumba Instructors from around the world attended the Zumba convention in the US for four days of continuing education classes, fitness concerts, dance parties, and of course, connecting with new friends. I was lucky enough to make it to Florida for the convention the past two years, but decided to give it a miss this year because of another upcoming holiday trip to see my family. I had been really OK with my decision to skip this year, but as the photos, videos, and live streams of the events started popping up on social media, I felt that familiar feeling creeping in-- FOMO.

FOMO – or the Fear Of Missing Out—is one of those millennial acronyms I kept coming across over the past few years, and admittedly didn’t really know the meaning of (I’m blaming my living in Taiwan for over a decade for some of my ignorance). For those of you as disconnected from pop culture as I am, it’s a term used to talk about the fear that you will miss out on something huge if you don’t participate in an experience: your friend’s party at KTV, your sibling’s picturesque vacation, or an instagram worthy meal at a hot, new restaurant. It’s generally a feeling that is made worse when looking at exciting, shiny, carefully curated and airbrushed social media posts.

While it’s awesome to see what the people we care about are up to, it can often create a feeling of jealousy, as the things happening in our own life suddenly seem lackluster in comparison. I know that I might see friends’ posts of suburban houses and kids’ soccer games, and second guess my choice to live abroad, while others may see photos of me in Taipei and think the freedom and adventure of my lifestyle are enviable. Most of us don’t share the tiresome, boring, or difficult aspects of our daily life-- the result being that we what we see online is only a “highlight reel” rather than reality.

A part of human nature is sometimes wanting what others have and thinking that “the grass is greener on the other side.” But if we get too wrapped up focusing on FOMO and what others have, it often distracts from appreciating what is right in front of us. As in combatting any kind of jealousy , gratitude for what you already have is key. Staying in the moment and taking time to notice even your smallest blessings can bolster happiness, instead of feeding inadequacy, resentment, or sadness.

This past week, I consciously tried to stop myself from going full-blown FOMO from missing the convention by appreciating the classes and students I have in Taipei all that much more. I was able to feel happy for my friends who were attending the convention and focus on my own trip to see my family next week! I'm extremely grateful that I'll be able to travel back to the US to spend valuable time with my loved ones so soon. Not being together with my family for a visit was the kind of FOMO I knew in this case was too important to ignore!

Please remember classes will be cancelled 8/3- 8/13 while I am away. Can’t wait to see you when I’m back!

Keep moving! xx, Katie


上週末來自全世球8000多位的 Zumba 老師一起聚集在佛羅里達州的奧蘭多參加4天的Zumba 大會,大家一起繼續接受訓練、參加健身演唱會與舞蹈派對、還有認識新朋友。前兩年我很幸運可以一起參加,但是因為今年夏天要回美國家庭聚會,所以就決定今年暫停一次。自從我做了個決定之後,我一直都覺得很OK,直到在社群媒體上開始頻頻出現的活動照片、影片、直播等等,我感受到一個熟悉的不安感慢慢佔據了我的心頭------現在千禧世代常見的文明病:錯失良機恐慌症 FOMO。






這過去的一週,我不斷地、也很有意識地提醒自己感謝每一堂課與所有參與的學生,來避免自己陷入錯失良機恐慌症。經過這次的嘗試,我發現我開始期待和家人的假期,同事我也很替所有去參加 Zumba 大會的朋友開心,畢竟如果真的錯失這次和家人的聚會,這樣的的恐懼會是我無法面對的。

再次提醒大家 8/3~8/13 停課因為我在美國,期待回來再次見到大家~~


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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