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Family Moves Fun on Zoom

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

Student Spotlight on

Angel Lin

Lockdown has brought so many challenges, and yet many have been able to find silver linings during this difficult time. Some have learned new skills, enjoyed spending more time with family, or felt free from the usual hustle and bustle of normal life. A real “bright side” I have come to appreciate is the chance to reconnect with old students and meet other new students who I hadn’t been able to reach in real life classes because of time or distance. In particular, starting back up the Family Moves classes online has been a real highlight of my week! These classes are for children and their caregivers to dance together for fun, fitness and connection. We chat, warmup, dance, play games, learn a routine, and stretch together during these classes.I love the enthusiasm the children have to participate in class, showing off their favorite stuffed animals to dance with, practicing some vocabulary in English and getting silly with their siblings and parents. Today I want to share a student Spotlight from Angel Lin. Angel was one of my first students years ago. Now as the mother of two amazing girls, she’s sharing her love for dance and exercise with her daughters. Check out her inspiring words below!

This wave of being almost locked down is more serious than expected. Other than more uncertainty that has appeared, there are also different extended issues that have never happened before. Last year, we were affected by the pandemic. Some of the jobs were paused, but most of us were able to keep going with our lives. This year, the biggest difference to me is that everyone has to adapt to online learning and teaching, and I get to spend 24 hours a day with my kids.

I workout every day, but I've never worked out with my girls before. During this year’s pandemic, I have become closer to them physically and emotionally. When I exercise at home, they will join me or vice versa. We dance together, we play together, we learn together, and we create happy moments together. These experiences have built a tighter connection and relationship between me and my girls. When we took Family Moves together, I surprisingly discovered that their ability to focus and learn has increased once I joined them in the class. I guess this is what they call “Lead by example.” Often we want our kids to act certain ways without realizing that we are not behaving in the same ways.

Being parents doesn't only mean raising them. We are like artists, and our children are like our crafts. They absorb whatever you give them. It doesn't matter when she will eventually grow into who she wants to be after learning day in and day out, but after all the core of our children can't be separated from their original family. Therefore companionship with quality and face to face interaction are so important to kids' development in acknowledgment, language and emotional.

Big thanks to Angel for sharing her experience of Family Moves with all of us, and to her little ones for dancing along so happily with us!

If you or your friends have children you want to get moving, please join us for a live- stream Family Moves class! Need time away from the kids? Have got you covered with prerecorded Zumba classes, live-stream Zumba and live-stream Fit + Flaunt Burlesque Fitness classes. Whatever you do, keep looking for those silver linings and keep on moving!

Keep moving!




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