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Facing Things Together

Tips for battling anxiety and uncertainty

Happy Wednesday! Truthfully the days and weeks are kind of running together in my mind at this point, but this newsletter has been an enormously helpful routine for me to keep up with during the two months of level 3 lockdown! On Wednesday’s I know that I’ll set aside some time to go a bit deeper in my thoughts and in connecting with you! And connection during this time living and working alone from home has been incredibly necessary and helpful in order to keep me going and to keep you dancing!

Over two months into Taiwan’s lockdown and with significant progress having been made in lowering infection rates and beginning vaccine distribution, we can start to see the easing of restrictions on the horizon. For many of us there might be a sense of relief, while also an addition of new stress— if some places or activities will be open , how comfortable will I be going out? How close is that person next to me? Should I work from home or will I feel ready to go back to the office? And so on.

New territory inevitably means new questions and new anxieties. For me personally, I have found it useful to remind myself of the same kind of advice I was trying to follow at the very beginning of the pandemic. Today I want to share one of Dr. Russ Harris’s methods that I have found particularly helpful: “FACE COVID”.

  • Focus on what’s in your control : While we can’t control what happens next, we can identify areas where we can act right now and focus on them.

  • Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings. Notice what’s going on in your heart and head without judgement and with kindness.

  • Come back into your body. Breathe, hold your heart, dance ;) and more so that you can connect with yourself physically.

  • Engage in what you’re doing. Notice what’s around you and put your full attention on where you are and what you are doing at this very moment.

  • Committed Action. Identify and take even the smallest of steps that match up with your values for improving your life or those of others.

  • Opening up. Don’t just push away negative feelings, but be open with yourself about their existence and choose to be kind to yourself through it.

  • Values. Think about what guiding principles such as love, patience or courage that you want to stand for and embody during this time when things feel uncertain.

  • Identifying resources. Know where and who to go to for physical, emotional, and mental support and help.

  • Disinfect & Distance. Keep up with the recommended guidelines for washing hands, mask wearing and social distancing.

For more information you can check out his YouTube animated video here !

Undoubtably, many of these steps are not exclusively for responding to COVID alone. Anytime we are dealing with stress or overwhelming anxiety, we might adopt portions of this method to help us cope. What are some ways that you are dealing with this stage of the pandemic? I’d love to hear from you!

While we continue to deal with the pandemic and surely will feel the effects of it in our lives for the foreseeable future, I hope we can continue to FACE things better and stronger together.

Keep on moving!



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