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Do You Feel Selfish?

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

4 Reasons Why it ISN'T Selfish to Invest in Your Self-Care

Self-care, Self- love, Self-esteem, Self-confidence. 

Ever feel like all the talk in the health and wellness arena just boils down to a whole lot of SELF-indulgent SELFishness?? Do you feel like you can take care of others but that you don't deserve to or can't follow through with taking care of yourself?

Here's your reminder it's NOT selfish to prioritize your self-care and health!

But I didn't always think that way. 

When I was much younger, alongside my blonde, hot pink-clad Barbies was a much more modest and less glamorous collection of statues and books of Catholic saints. I was most fascinated with and romanticized the lives of female martyrs who gave up all their possessions, relationships, any comforts and ultimately their lives for the good of others. "Sorry, Barbie with your hot pink corvette, but what could be better, a quicker ticket to heaven, or more selfless than putting yourself absolutely last?" I thought.

And looking at the women I admired in the world -- so many caregivers, nurses, teachers, nuns, and mothers, seemed to reinforce this idea I had that sacrificing the self for the good of others was the ultimate mark of a "good woman."

 Through my own experiences and those helping women on their wellness journeys, today my attitudes have shifted. Instead of seeing the highest goal as always putting everyone else first ( then likely resenting myself, everything, and everyone!), I see self-care as the foundation from which you are able to bring more to yourself, your loved ones, and the world at large.  

This week is International Women's Day with the UN's 2024 theme of "Invest in women: Accelerate progress." And so, what better way to remember that investing in your wellbeing is not only NOT selfish, but of vital importance

Stop taking better care of others than yourself and invest in your self-care for these 4 reasons below.

1- You Deserve to Thrive!

You are WORTHY of the time and effort required to grow your strength, confidence, and quality of life. 

*Keep one promise to yourself today even if it means saying NO to someone else. Fight the guilt!

2- Fill Your Cup First!

No one can give from an empty cup. It's necessary to nurture yourself to be able to support others.

*Set a 5 minute timer for YOUR idea of fun today-- dance, sing, color, journal, etc.

3-Lead by Example!

When you invest in your wellbeing you inspire others around you to do the same. 

*Invite a friend to go for a walk or have your kid join you for an On-Demand Zumba class at home.

4- Future You Will Thank You!

Women face unique health changes and challenges throughout our lifetimes.

* Take time NOW for your health and wellbeing to help ease the physical, emotional and financial burdens of healthcare on yourself and loved ones as you age. 

Caring well for yourself is no doubt an investment. There are costs of time, energy, finances, and other experiences you have to give up along the way. But this is one area with massive payoffs --ranging from immediate mood boosts after workouts, to an increased sense of wellbeing for yourself and your loved ones,  and even to better work performance, relationships and potential future quality of life. I'd call that a positive return and a very wise investment!

Sending you and the wonderful women in your lives wishes for a Happy International Women's Day. No matter where you are in the world, you can join me in celebrating with my Girl Power On-Demand Zumba Class by signing up here!

Keep moving,



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