Thanks for celebrating 3 years with me!
Last weekend we finally got around to celebrating Fit + Flaunt Burlesque Fitness turning 3 this fall! Thanks to the enthusiasm, encouragement, and help of Phyllis Wang we were able to mark the occasion with a two hour “Best of Fit + Flaunt Burlesque Fitness“ workshop and dance party! Dancing to each song was like getting down to the top highlights of the past 3 years! I was truly moved by the beauty, strength, and passion of each participant. Thanks to all who attended! Hopefully more workshops will come your way in the future!
For even more ways to connect outside of class, don’t forget to RSVP for our upcoming Nov. 19th gathering including lunch and t-shirt cutting! While this meet-up is on a weekday, we’ll definitely aim to have more chances to socialize and cut T-shirts together on a weekend sometime soon. Don’t forget you can also still order more Katie Moves Taipei logo T-shirts until November 28th by pre-ordering here. Get your order in now for holiday gifts and to be well prepared for our next t-shirt cutting gathering!
Looking forward to seeing you in and out of class!
Keep moving!