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A Strong Start to Year Two 第二年:一個強而有力的開始

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

A growing family of dance friends

What a full month of movement March has been! I want to thank you all for the support you have given me during this time in helping me celebrate the first anniversary of Katie Moves Taipei.

The free class pass promotion was a wonderful success! I was introduced to so many new students, new connections were formed in our classes, and more people were brought into our dance family. It was really lovely for me to meet the family members, friends, and coworkers many of you invited to join us in class. It’s that kind of energy that comes from having a full room of loud, happy, and smiling students that truly makes Zumba so special and is the reason why it’s called a fitness party class! Your energy energized me and made me believe I can keep moving for many more years to come!

Because of the popularity of sign-ups for the free class promotion and due to the limited spaces left in March’s classes, I will extend the use of free class passes for Tues., Thurs. (HRC 12:30) and Sat. (Flying Dance 11:00) until the end of April. Registration for a free class pass will , however, be closed at the end of March. so there are still a few more days to register if you or someone you know hasn’t yet done so! In order to make sure more new friends can join, please book and use your pass ASAP to ensure your spot!

Thanks again for all of the encouragement, enthusiasm, and participation during this Katie Moves Taipei First Anniversary. Looking forward to all the moves to come this year!

Keep moving! xx, Katie


三月我們向前大大跨了一步!我想要感謝你們這個月給我的所有支持,幫助我一起慶祝Katie Moves Taipei 的一周年!

這次一周年免費通行證的活動非常地成功,讓我有機會認識好多新的學生、在課堂上也有許多不同的火花、有更多的朋友加入這個舞蹈家族。我真的很開心有機會可以認識你們的家族成員、朋友們與同事們。就是這樣整間教室充滿歡呼、開心與微笑的學生們讓 Zumba 如此地與眾不同,這也是為什麼我們稱 Zumba 為「健身派對」。你們的能量為我帶來更多的能量,也讓我相信在接下來的更多年我能繼續前進。

感謝大家踴躍參與免費通行證的活動,因為教室的空間有限我們決定延長免費通行證的期限到 4 月底,來參加周二、周四 (12:30 在 HRC教室 )或周六(11:00 在菲舞教室)的課。 然而,申請免費通行證的期限仍然到三月底,所以還沒有申請的朋友,可以把握接下來幾天的時間。 為了確保更多新朋友可以參加,請盡快地使用你的通行證並線上預約你上課的時間

再次感謝所有同學在Katie Moves Taipei 一周年慶的參與以及配合、給我的鼓勵、展現的熱情,非常期待接下來的一年的發展!


愛你的 Katie

( Anna Liang 譯 )


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