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A+ for AMAZING Teachers!

Writer's picture: katiemovestaipeikatiemovestaipei

5 Reasons Why We LOVE Our Zumba Instructors!

Once upon a time, a shy and apprehensive Kathleen snuck into the back of a packed gym Zumba class at the urging of her encouraging friend. The beautiful instructor walked onto the stage and gave what she assumed to be an introduction or instructions-- after all, Kathleen spoke barely a word of Mandarin, so it could have been anything really.

"Why did I agree to join again? What exactly am I in for?"she thought nervously shifting from side to side. 😯

When the music started, the class began to move as one-- stepping, reaching, clapping-- as if they knew what was coming next. And somehow after a few minutes, it somehow seemed like Kathleen knew what was coming next, too. 😲 The teacher was using her hands apparently communicating ,"Two steps to the right..two to the left...hands up... clap...repeat... YEAH! You ROCK!"

That first Zumba class I look with ZES (Zumba Education Specialist) Banai Lai ❤ changed my life. This same experience of being taught, motivated, cheered on, and inspired was repeated so many times over the years as I stepped into other instructors' classes-- the amazing Laura Rodriguez ❤ who encouraged me to become a Zumba instructor when I had no intention of ever teaching, ZES George Iu ❤ , my Zumba "papi" who led my Zumba Basic 1 + 2 trainings, and ZES JLin ❤ who invited me to join the stage with him when I was a newbie giving me valuable experience in teaching large gym classes. And so, so many other incredible instructors whose classes I took over the years. Each contributed to the formation of who you know as Teacher Katie, Zumba Instructor. And as result, the birth of more Zumba instructors amongst the various students who I have encouraged to pursue teaching over the years ❤.

As Teacher's Day in Taiwan approaches (celebrated on September 28th- Confucius's Birthday), I'm reflecting about just how much my own amazing teachers and fellow Zumba instructors have impacted my life and those of others!

Check out these 5 Reasons Why We LOVE Our Zumba Instructors!

  1. They help us feel like a STAR! Zumba Instructors want you to strut YOUR stuff, YOUR way with YOUR own style. Just as no two instructors are the same, they know each student is unique and perfectly imperfect. They help us forget about "mistakes" or "missteps" and feel fabulous!

  2. They are NEVER boring! Have you seen what Zumbawear looks like? The bright colors and loud prints are better than coffee when you are feeling exhausted. Speaking of which-- did they just drink 5 cups?! Their energy is contagious!

  3. They BREAK IT DOWN. Helping students feel successful is a Zumba Instructor's mission. Their cueing, gestures, and facial expressions allow us to interact with different musical genres and access feelings of confidence, joy, self-love and more!

  4. They bring the BRAIN POWER. How can they remember so many routines? The time and dedication instructors put into preparing for just one class blows our minds! Instructors know that dancing improves brain function and memory thereby giving our brains a boost, too!

  5. They set us FREE! Who knew you could scream and shout and shimmy and shake like that?! Your instructor did! Helping you break free of the stresses of everyday life and celebrate the present moment is their specialty!

Teachers of ALL varieties are such important key figures in our lives- guiding us to grow, learn, explore and reach new heights. So, join us in celebrating these amazing educators, instructors, tutors, and guides this Thursday 9/21 for our monthly Zumba Livestream Party! ALL teachers and Unlimited On Demand Package students are invited to join FREE of charge! We'll dance from 19:30-20:30 Taiwan time (7:30am NYC/12:30pm London) followed by a thirty minute virtual hang to connect and chat. Feel free to invite your favorite teacher to join and of course remember to show them some love on Teacher's Day!

Keep moving!




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